Vedic Thai Body Work

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Vedic Thai Bodywork  (also called Thai Yoga Massage) is traditionally performed on a large comfortable cotton futon floor mat which gives the receiver both comfort and full-body support. Working on the floor also allows the therapist to move freely around and above the client, making for effective use of the therapist’s bodyweight and mechanics. The therapist can also work with the receiver in a variety of positions, including prone, supine, side-lying, and seated.

During your session no oils are needed. The techniques used work far beneath the surface of the body, effecting the fascial and skeletal alignment of the receiver.

These sessions are modifiable in order to address acute and chronic sensitivities such as: herniated disks, subluxations, muscle strain, joint replacements, surgeries, and pregnancy.

The Vedic Thai practitioner doesn’t just use the power of their hands and fingers. They use their hands, their fingers, their palms, arms, knees, and feet, along with the receiver’s body weight and their resistance to provide a deeply moving experience. The Thai-Yoga Therapist enters into a meditative awareness adapting every asana stretch and technique to the client’s exact need, whether soft or strong.

Physical Benefits:

  • Eliminates soreness and pain
  • Improves cardio and pulmonary circulation
  • Enhances range-of-motion [ROM] and mobility
  • Transforms cellular memories
  • Removes muscular adhesions
  • Oxygenates the blood
  • Encourages positive postural alignments
  • Stimulates and balances glandular configuration
  • Opens nadi blockages
  • Purifies chakra functions
  • Tranquilizes the nervous system
  • Supports spinal construct

Emotional Benefits:

  • Soothes emotions
  • Creates a greater sense of foundation and stability
  • Produces profound rest and relaxation
  • Induces mental clarity
  • Enriches moods
  • Develops more emotional fluidity

Often called ‘lazy person’s yoga’, this is an ancient healing system that combines broad and targeted acupressure, stimulation and manipulation of energy lines and assisted yoga postures – all while you are fully relaxed and breathing deeply.  Sounds pretty great, right?  We agree!

THE TRUTH IS: Vedic Thai Body Work is not for everyone. We strongly recommend that you come in for a Custom Massage first – here, you can take time to discuss your specific concerns and needs with your therapist to determine if this type of therapy a good option for you!

Our Vedic Thai Body Work Offerings

60 Minute Session

$ 130 .00
Non-Member Rate
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90 Minute Session

$ 160 .00
Non-Member Rate
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120 Minute Session

$ 210 .00
Non-Member Rate
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